Hämy · 3 answers · 1mo

A hamster in a big grey beard and pointy hat suddenly appears and transports you to a fantasy world for three months. You get to choose which one, but it needs to be from an existing book, movie, series or game. Which will you choose and why?

I mean... probably 4th age Middle earth the shire or Gondor. i feel the reasons are self evident.
But my AuDHD brain is trying to remember every fantasy world i know and then figure out which ones aren't liable to bee tooo dangerous for some rando who shows up with no magic or weapon abilities

Friendship Is Optimal's Equestria. I haven't watched My Little Pony in decades, and I'm kinda meh about the whole pony thing, but the story really speaks to me.

For those who haven't read it: we get an AGI whose goal is to satisfy everyone's values. It basically inflicts utopia on humanity. I figure, within the three months I get to stay there, Celestia would have figured out a way to extend my stay and make me a permanent resident, thus maximally satisfying my values.

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