Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Bingus Dingus · 2y

Sorry this isn't a question, but I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your stories with us! I followed both "Death and the Maiden" and "Hedone" as you were writing them and reading each chapter was such a nice break whenever real life responsibilities were too much T.T Your writing is amazing and I hope you're enjoying the process of writing your original stories as much as I am looking forward to being able to read them one day ^^

Thank you so much ❤️ That is so nice to hear and means a lot.
Also, just to make it known:, I'm not stopping writing fanfic. I took a break this month to get some things ready and on their way, but I'll be back to updating my long fics in a short while. And I'll start releasing original stuff in April - so I am extra excited to see someone looking forward to it. Thank you! ❤️

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