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Bingus Dingus · 2y

I just come here to try to compensate the stupid hate u get from obsessive people & it’s always a pleasure to see you talk about things you like, even things I don’t know anything about (like the star wars MMO) also I will start reading your original content soon, would you like a feedback? (No advices, just what I felt while reading it) take care of yourself again (I say that a lot but it’s always a good reminder I think 🥰)

❤️ You are a sweetheart, anon! And I hope you'll enjoy my original work, I'm trying something a bit new for me there as well ^^ I always love feedback, especially on original stuff, because you hear way less from readers than with fanfic by default - but never feel obligated to, please. ❤️

Bingus Dingus · 2y

I really enjoy seeing your writing pop up in my feed. Thank you for it. It's always a pleasure to read your fic and to see snippets of your novel.

Thank you so much ❤️ I always love sharing my writing, and it's always so nice to hear someone liking it ❤️

Bingus Dingus · 2y

You are super inspiring as a creative. Writing, goosing, etc. I am always happy to see your work! Keep doing you and don't let the haters get you down! ❤️

Thank you! ❤️ Ngl, it's really nice to get a random positive message on here, I appreciate it!

Bingus Dingus · 2y

Your "woe is me" victimhood narrative is tiring. You are not a victim.

Bingus Dingus · 2y

"People do learn and try to be better than they were in the past - novel concept, I know," hysterical considering how often you drag people on your twitter for their past indiscretions when they are a different person now. So, I guess learning and growth only applies when it comes to you? Cool. Previous comment still stands.

You need a different hobby so you can stop being obsessed with random people on the internet 👌

Bingus Dingus · 2y


Bingus Dingus · 2y

Oh FFS, Anna, you have used AI yourself in the past to generate art. Overgrown Library of Eld ringing any bells? No? Then how about the two pictures of Irene that you had MidJourney AI turn into an ancient eldritch goddess? Pot, meet kettle. Your support for us in our campaign against AI-generated art only comes about when it's convenient for you to preach about it on your Twitter.

"So I've let an AI program turn pictures of Irene into an ancient eldritch goddess, and um... 👀
Hello!" - Aug 4, 2022

Yeah? I did that for a few days when midjourney was brand new, and I knew nothing about it - and then people started talking about the problems with it, and I listened and learned? So what's your point?
If you have an actual issue to address, then don't hide behind an anon ask and send me a DM, but I guess that's asking too much. You sound like someone with a weird grudge and idk what to tell you except that people do learn and try to be better than they were in the past - novel concept, I know. 🤷

Bingus Dingus · 2y

You have inspired me to start writing fanfiction again. I don’t even have a fandom oriented Twitter account, but I eagerly await your AO3 updates and respect your commitment to your craft, your characters, and the joy you share when you play with the familiar to make something new and delightful. Thank you!!

Seriously, getting two so kind messages in a row made me tear up a little, and I can't say how much that means. And I hope you are having the best time writing and get only joy from it! ❤️

Bingus Dingus · 2y

Nothing to ask but simply giving support. Your writing is something that makes me happy to get notifs for in my inbox. Haters gonna hate. I can't wait to check out your published novel too. 💜 Support From a fellow artist and either

Bingus Dingus · 2y

Please for the love of the twelve, get yourself a beta reader.

I write fanfic in my free time, and if the fact that it's not novel-worthy polished bothers you, just read someone else?

Bingus Dingus · 2y

What was the child coded thing about?

I got several dumb anon messages last year claiming I am 'child-coding' my OC, implying I was secretly trying to write underage/adult relationships. Mostly in response to my XIV OC Chloe (who is in her mid-3os and absolutely not child-like in any aspect.) It coincided with someone from the current harasser group DMing people who are friends with me that they are supporting a pedophilia apologist by being my friend etc. A lot of really ugly bullshit.

Bingus Dingus · 2y

Sorry this isn't a question, but I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your stories with us! I followed both "Death and the Maiden" and "Hedone" as you were writing them and reading each chapter was such a nice break whenever real life responsibilities were too much T.T Your writing is amazing and I hope you're enjoying the process of writing your original stories as much as I am looking forward to being able to read them one day ^^

Thank you so much ❤️ That is so nice to hear and means a lot.
Also, just to make it known:, I'm not stopping writing fanfic. I took a break this month to get some things ready and on their way, but I'll be back to updating my long fics in a short while. And I'll start releasing original stuff in April - so I am extra excited to see someone looking forward to it. Thank you! ❤️

Bingus Dingus · 2y

Greeting there! I want to asking for permission to translate your emetwol fic to Thai language? I absolutely love your work and want to share it to emetwol appreciator in my country 🥺

He anon - in general, I wouldn't be against that, but I'd want to know where it would be posted and what story this is actually about - so please write me a DM about this ❤️

Bingus Dingus · 2y

Are you done with "Eyes on Me" ?

No, absolutely not. It's marked as ongoing for that, I am just very slow with writing it. I estimate it needs about 5-6 more chapters to finish the story I wanna tell with it. ^^

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