Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Bingus Dingus · 2y

Oh FFS, Anna, you have used AI yourself in the past to generate art. Overgrown Library of Eld ringing any bells? No? Then how about the two pictures of Irene that you had MidJourney AI turn into an ancient eldritch goddess? Pot, meet kettle. Your support for us in our campaign against AI-generated art only comes about when it's convenient for you to preach about it on your Twitter.

"So I've let an AI program turn pictures of Irene into an ancient eldritch goddess, and um... 👀
Hello!" - Aug 4, 2022

Yeah? I did that for a few days when midjourney was brand new, and I knew nothing about it - and then people started talking about the problems with it, and I listened and learned? So what's your point?
If you have an actual issue to address, then don't hide behind an anon ask and send me a DM, but I guess that's asking too much. You sound like someone with a weird grudge and idk what to tell you except that people do learn and try to be better than they were in the past - novel concept, I know. 🤷

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