Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Bingus Dingus · 2y

I just come here to try to compensate the stupid hate u get from obsessive people & it’s always a pleasure to see you talk about things you like, even things I don’t know anything about (like the star wars MMO) also I will start reading your original content soon, would you like a feedback? (No advices, just what I felt while reading it) take care of yourself again (I say that a lot but it’s always a good reminder I think 🥰)

❤️ You are a sweetheart, anon! And I hope you'll enjoy my original work, I'm trying something a bit new for me there as well ^^ I always love feedback, especially on original stuff, because you hear way less from readers than with fanfic by default - but never feel obligated to, please. ❤️

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