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would yūna ffxiv be friends with yuna ffx
I have actually thought of this LOL! The name sharing wasn't intentional, but it is now just the smallest nod. For context, I made yūna before i was even aware of any characters of ffx or anything about ffx, a friend mentioned her bc i noticed i wasnt allowed to put yuna as a name in the cc. I did actually try to find a different name i liked with her, but yūna fit so much i just accepted them sharing a name LMAO.
Ough when I watched ffx it was hard to not be an oc guy and think of MY yūna, but i saw a few similarities that would lead me to think Yūna at the same age would get along with her.
These are both girls with the weight of a world on their shoulder, who live in the crater of a legacy left by their famously heroic fathers. They are steeped in a world of grief, after said world was drastically transformed by a major event. They are both held up and rise to become something like their fathers. Yuna had accepted her role a lot more than yūna does despite them both pursuing it, shes more sorrowful about events whereas yūna expresses her own sorrow through anger primarily. I think yūna would actually be softened by yuna, someone who shares in a similar situation but sees what opprotunity she was given in a different light, and have a soft spot for her because of yuna remaining kind despite her lossess and hardships and knowing her end.
And I think yuna, in turn, would see past yūna's hard exterior knowing their similar situations.tldr; yes
To myself ive kinda thought of yūna and her sharing a name as (if she were a canon ffxiv character) as the smallest nod to yuna, even if the similarities in their situations was 100% coincidental LOL. Funnily enough, yūna being a summoner is also a huge part of her lore!
what are yūna's canon jobs? does she have a preferred fighting style?
As of DT they are:
Pld, Drk (its complicated)
Drg, smn,
And her unique job, which is a dual sword style similar to viper, but is based on her affinity with time through her echo. Functions the same ish.
Yūna has a very Agressively offensive style, Hit hard, hit fast, regardless of the cost, and mainly uses slashing weapons so her stances are always a bit wider than a more precise fighting styke like fencing.
It's always been hard for me to describe fighting styles, so I can try to tell you the vibe? She fights as if every fight could be her last, desperately calculated, using her height and weight, and endurance to her advantage against other humanoid opponents. She is unrelenting and would much rather attack in a fury than leave room to be forced on an offensive unless she wants to be.
She retains a knightly code of honor and sticks to what halonisism teaches on that sort of thing, but is not afraid to stop just above a mercy ruling. The only thing stopping her from being a bit of a dirty fighter /is/ the fact she is Halonic and those teachings do include a code of honor.
what was time travel yūna's first experience coming to the current timeline like? was it anything like she expected it to be?
Oh man. I imagine it would feel, like surfacing from the water after nearly drowning. It's shock, relief, confusion, all at once. All of her expectations for what the world could be like were completely blown away.
The 8th umbral calamity not only halted the aether of those it touched, it ruined the natural aetherical flow of the enviorments. Wildlife grew to monsterous proportions, unexpected and diverged from a natural course. Plants turned toxic, weather shifted, longstanding cities turned to ruin. Much like how Coerthas used to be hills then became stuck in endless snow, that was most of the world in one way or another. It's not that the world ceased to be, moreso that it became unregonizable as it's entire soul shifted drastically into something else, Terraforming into a new thing all together slowly.
When she first lands in the current timeline its in the Dravanian hinterlands, and it takes her a second after she stumbles,to catch her breath. Green fields, a clear sky, fresh water. Life flourished all around her, she had known it would, but the sight of it woul'dve hit her like a truck. But, being who she is, I think the awe would turn bittersweet. I don't think she wouldve expected to feel resentment towards it, but she would. In her eyes she is witnessing something that she feels was taken from her and her timeline, it would be hard to ignore that aspect of it I imagine. Any expectations she did hold were definitely blown away, she just has complicated feelings about it
hello just wanted to let u know im a huge rokumeric fan keep up the good work
THANK YOU🥺...Aymeroku is everything 2 me
Does Roku share his culture with his children? Or do they primarily grow up Ishgardian? Is it a shared effort between him and Aymeric when it comes to cultural appreciation overall?
OH I LOVE THIS QUESTION SO MUCH! This is something I've thought about deeply. Its a joint effort but some of their kids gravitate towards a certain side more than others, but in general: Roku tries his best to incorporate as much of his culture with their kids as much as possible, traditions, etiquette, beliefs, but unfortunately another large portion of it can only really be practiced within the Ocean or near beaches. He actually does his best to take them to the ocean as much as possible, and tries to make trips to the ruby sea especially even if aymeric isnt able to join them, and there they are able to learn more of that side of their culture when they visit. By default though, its easier for them to primarily grow up Ishgardian. Yūna, for example, leans more into Ishgardian culture than anything else, but one of their other sons takes a lot of pride in Roku's side and wears more traditional clothing and follows that more than his other siblings. It's not something that either one of them will do on their own, Roku (though he doesnt really adhere to ishgardian culture that much) does take steps in learning it specifically to help Aymeric teach their kids, and vice versa. Maybe a little off topic, but this goes for Au Ra specific care as well. Roku has been quite open about scale care for example, and Aymeric does assist him with it so hes not entirely unprepared when their kids end up needing help as well. I imagine they read up on both Elezen/Ishgardian, Raen/Sui-no-sato culture/childcare a lot as well. Theyre both the type to want to be as prepared as possible. Im going all over the place now but another good example is how Yūna is very obviously not an Ishgardian name, but its something both roku AND aymeric decided on together taking ideas from each other and their culture and agreeing on what fit best. Theyre very open and honest with each other so even if their respective cultures are vastly different they work together to figure out how best to give their kids that knowledge and allow them to take steps in exploring either (or both!) Paths for themselves!
who would roku seek out to practice sparring/combat with? what kind of fight dynamics do they have? :^)c
IK I ANSWERED THIS DURING OUR WAIT FOR 6.2 but to write it all down; Thancred!!! Roku's first friend outside the ocean, and his best friend ever since. Roku and him have been sparring since the very beginning, when roku was just a gladiator with little experience fighting outside of water. In those days thancred won a lot, but did hold back and try to mentor roku through new fighting techniques even if their fighting styles were different due to their respective jobs. As time went on and Roku developed his own style and got stronger, they sparred as a way to keep up their skill, blow off steam, and catcy any missteps in each others technique. They do not go easy on one another, thancred especially would be upset if roku held out on him too much. Their sparring was very integral to roku's recovery after his death and revival in ultima thule, and likewise for thancred going from rogue to gnb. They will joke and poke fun at the other. Thancred is one of the very few people who is like...he can get roku to not be such a goody-two-shoes all the time. Chaotic energy between the two of them. Roku can and will play just a teeny bit dirty for the fun of it bc thancred will do the same. Tldr: Theyre friends and its fun to them!!!
What's Roku's opinion/relationship with Vrtra? How do their bonds with Midgardsormr coincide with how they interact?
Oh, Vrtra and Roku are actually very close! I always forget to talk about this lol. Essentially, it all boils down to remembering that Midgardsormr did, in a way, consider Roku as one of his own. Its not too far of a stretch to say Vrtra would've known about this one way or another. At the very least he knew they were very close because he could sense Midgardsormr's aether in him (its what powers roku's drg abilities.) And Roku is very honest, he probably would have told vrtra that Midgard is the closest one he had to a father when they talked about him in radz-at-han. I think this automatically sparked a kinship between them. I even think Vrtra would have referred to him as "Kin Myhk" or "little brother" when he was urging him to be safe on his journies to stop the final days.
BUT ANYWAYS. Since then Roku has often taken trips to Radz just to speak to Vrtra and be with him. They have gotten pretty close, and I think Vrtra having Roku to confide in after Ahewann's passing is something he would appreciate. Roku loves him! Theyre like, brothers. I always get embarassed about my "midgardsormr esentially adopted him lore" but I think its something Vrtra and Roku just kinda fell into on their own. He always gets excited to take Vrtra (through Varshahn) out to...simply enjoy life. He'd take him to the beach and ask him what he thinks of the sea breeze, or the sand between his fingers. He'd ask vrtra to show him the markets and let him ramble on about how proud he is of his people. Knowing that Vrtra lived a lot of his life in hiding, he simply wants the best for him, and to see him enjoy the land he helped found. To take a breath and realize he truly doesnt have to hide anymore. And Roku has taken to learning as much about the first brood as he could, and when roku tells him about his childhood beneath the sea,Vrtra will regale him of his own childhood. The youngest of the first brood, and Azdaja especially.
THIS IS ALL TO SAY. Yes they are very close and they do love each other a lot. Their both gentle souls I feel, so it came rather easily to them. Also, Varshahn absolutely attended his wedding in ishgard! I like thinking about them it makes me :]
What does Roku think of woods Viera? Does the culture of isolation feel to much like home?
Oh!!! I've thought about this one a lot actually!! I think he would be able to relate to them a lot in a way. Even if their homes are isolated, roku holds that lifestyle in high esteem. It is not easy to live secluded in from the world and maintain your own village at the same time, even if in relative peace. So I think he'd respect that a lot about the woods viera, but would probably share a common understanding of those who left the woods to seek the world outside of what they knew, just as he did. The cultural isolation doesnt have to be bad though, I think what made him not like it is how any contact with the outside world in his village could possibly result in an exile, and even helping those outside was too much. Which is why he left, but the sui no sato opening themselves up to trade ofc is a great step to...not necessarily changing their ways, but rather adapting with the times. I dont think he'd know a lot about how woods viera see the world(he doesnt know any viera outside of msq, actually...) and probably thinks its not his place to judge due to lack of knowledge, but if it was anything like his village than yeah, there would be some commonground between him and them.
what does roku think of the ishgardian salt rock
I think he finds it bizarre and probably does not partake in any licking of rocks. He declines with a polite Smile "No thank you!!!" He would never outright say he finds it weird though, but yes sometimes ishgardian customs are extremely funny to him.
I love you <3 hope you get everything you want in life because you deserve it
Idk who this is but love you too 😭
So we know hes nice and cozy in Borel manor, but if Roku could have a house built anywhere to his exact whishes, where woukd it be and what would it look like
Ahhh....A beach house on the Ruby sea. I think he's too enamored by the world to completely go back to living under the ocean, but the best of both worlds would be on the beach. Somewhere that allows him to bask on the sand and still go and swim like he always used to. I can imagine he'd like it to be a combination of Doman(ish, closest to sui no sato) and Ishgardian furniture, since Ishgard /has/ become a place hes gotten quite comfortable living in and being used to, despite the rough start. I dont think beach houses have to necessarily "look" a certain ways, but yknow...still the kind of comfy vibes they bring. Probably a medium in size enough to have different areas in the house such as an office/ or maybe even an indoor garden!
Does Roku ever go back to visit the First? Is there anyone or anything he particularly misses about it?
Roku 100% visits the first for a bit a couple of times a year i'd say- when time allows. He misses Ryne and Gaia a lot, and relays his best wishes between Ryne and Thancres/Urianger. He makes sure to check up on as many people as he can! (Lyna, the role quest guys, cylva, to name a few) for his sake and the sake of the friends the scions made. He knows everyone is doing just fine on their own but he personally likes seeing them a lot.
Before Endwalker, especially, He visited Hythlodaeus's phantom in Amaurot frequently to be in his company. But that is a Whole Other Topic.
Roku is the kind of person who relishes new experiences, and who is very in love with people's unwavering hope and resolve. Both of which the First is a prime example of. It is not necessarily something he "misses" but rather treats it as a gift to see and be able to cross over at any time because it makes him smile and, in turn, inspires him to keep going For them. He loves the people of The source, And the first more than words can describe.
if teleportation isn't an option, what's roku's favoured method of travel?
Well his /Favorite/ Is swimming, but in more conventional terms of traveling it'd be via Airship. He absolutely adores the sky since its something he wasnt used to seeing growing up. I think hes one of those people to get window seats or lean as far against the railing as it would allow.
If Roku had a 'real world' job, what would it be?
This is gonna sound silly but either a Journalist or something in Marine Rehabilitation/rescue. 1st one is because any job that would involve him going to a variety of different places simply to learn and meet different people is something he already actively persues as a WoL. Thats his favorite part about his ffxiv job is just...learning about how vast the world and its people are! Second one is because I can easily see him just sticking to his ocean roots and doing his best to care for marine animals and sea life in general!!! Fish boy
What is Roku's 'perfect ramen bowl'? If he eats noodles and broth!
Roku, ofc, has a bias towards seafood so his perfect ramen bowl would probably include shrimp, Scallops, crab! Maybe some squid ink! And yeah hes not too much of a picky eater and one of those people that'll just consume Everything so the bowl is entirely empty by the time hes done!
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