Wasserpistole · 7 answers · 5y

Is the god of the bible evil or good in your opinion?

Tbh, I have read the bible at one point in my life and I can honestly say he was probably fed up of all the bs that was going on as any of us would be if we were to be in such a position... Like seeing the despicable shit the so called pple you've created in your own image, are doing but then when Jesus came along, he found his chill and his patience increased even more bc of his son. Bc let's be honest, you can't knock the patience the dude shows man. If it was any of us, we would've no doubt grown tired and irritated of the universe and humans as we know them rn. Least I know if I were God, life would've ceased to exist rn and probably ages ago lol. I'd have hit the precious magic 'undo' button and maybe opted to just make a computer simulation of all my ideas about existence. Kinda like me as God playing GTA, type shit lol

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