RhymewithRay · 8 answers · 2y

Your OC but its the thing where celebrities Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions by typing in their name and seeing how Google autofills... what are the top 3 questions about your oc and how do they answer?

1.) Elio Argentium owns how many League Trophies and Ribbon Cups?

"Well, considering how many regions I've travelled, if I recall correctly, I own at least ten different Ribbon Cups and twelve League Trophies. But this is just me lowballing it. I have to go back home and check the displays my trophy room."

2.) Elio Argentium net worth?

"According to Forbes, because of my league and contest victories that led to me garnishing so many endorsements with high-profile companies, and my investments that I've made even before I started my journey - culmunating in a string of incredibly sucessful and equally lucrative business ventures that's grown extensively over the last couple of years, I'm estimated to be almost worth $200 Billion. But that doesn't compare to my big brother Ardyn - who's worth $300 Billion, making him one of the richest people in the world, let alone Unova. Then there's big sis Chauntelle, who's worth $130 Billion by virtue of her grandiose achievements as both a Contest Master and an actress. It's amazing how my family is filled with talented and successful individuals. Scary really."

3.) Elio Argentium's sexuality? Is he single?

"I'm bisexual (male-leaning), and I'm proud of it! Though I'm not seeing anyone right now, I am "friends with benefits" with those I'm close to."

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