Vivi · 5 answers · 1y

What are your ocs’ thoughts on people and pokemon being separated?Not necessarily team plasma but rather the idea that pokemon would live better lives without humans (I got BW brainworms rn huhu)

Elio: "Pokemon would survive just fine. On the other hand, we Humans wouldn't last long - being naturally weak n' all. Even if part of us doesn't want to admit it, we're still at the bottom of the food chain - regardless of our accomplishments over the last few millennia. So the notion that Pokemon and people would live better lives when separated is a folly in and of itself. For the sake of the survival and progress for both races, divorcing ourselves from Pokemon completely benefits no one. Besides, if history has taught us anything, it's that we've achieved the impossible time and time again because Pokemon and Humans have perpetually worked together. No point ruining good chemistry, now is there?"

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