Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

some guy · 6mo

Hi i miss seeing your art when will you be back ?

well!!! first of all thank you for this message, it means a lot to hear my absence is noticed.. wow <3<3 secondly! im actually in the midst of theatre hell rn in the leadup to edinburgh fringe festival - it's our first time doing it (and my first time being so involved!!) and we're doing TWO shows because there is something wrong with us i think. if you're curious to hear more about that, feel free to mosey on over to my insta (@jacqal_art) or our website at :D

POINT BEING......... im gonna be pretty flat-out till the end of august. x__x BUT after that ive got soooo many things i want to draw and show you!!!!! so yea!! again, thank you for asking <3<3<3

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