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Mario Adhitama · 87 answers · 3mo

Spill menu lebaranmu tahun ini.

HITTO. · 3mo

Hello Aga, this is sender from menfess. Can you give me a followback? Thank you!

Mario Adhitama · 75 answers · 3mo

Yang muslim, kalian mudik?

Carmen · 10 answers · 4mo

Recommend me your favorite movie or series to fill your free time, please?

Aksadaru. · 4mo

Selamat puasa, Agan. Maafin gue ya, gue pasti ada salah sama lu baik itu yang disengaja maupun tidak disengaja. Semoga puasa tahun ini lancar jaya! Sehat dan bahagia selalu, salam ke yang lain. 💗

Ayessss 😭 Selamat puasa juga yah. Iya ih gapapa, gue minta maaf juga ya huhu. Kok sedih gini si 😔 Aamiin, semoga puasa lo juga lancar terus yah! Okeeeng, gue sampein. Sehat-sehat Ayess! Sukses SNBP yaa, gue do'ain dari sini 🥺

Miung · 4mo

What was your favourite song as a kid?

Carmen · 10 answers · 4mo

Hidup disetir retrotuals. Mending beli lego bricks atau puzzles ya buat ngurangin screen time? Suka dua-duanya tapi mau beli satu aja. Thanks in advance!

Am I late for this.. Aku prefer bricks walau most of the time bikin sebel tapi menyenangkan, kok!

Carmen · 4mo

Hello! I hope you had a nice weekend and are feeling super thriving. Do you have any song recommendations for today?

Tysm! I hope things are going well for you too. Bam Bam from Sister Nancy! Reggae is in room with us today.

⚘︎ · 13 answers · 4mo

what if you lose everyone you love?

Losing someone is definitely a devastating experience. I will cry, I'm sure I will, in a state of deep grief.

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