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Anonymous Coward · 12mo

Outside of canon events, have jaesi and her partners ever gotten into arguments that were serious?

Estinien and Jae'si go at it constantly, although a lot of times it's over frivolous domestic things (Esti tracking mud in, Jae being overly jealous/nosy, etc. Otherwise, nothing particularly serious that doesn't just result in screaming for an hour or hate sex later.

Y'shtola and Jae'si had to get over a lot of barriers with how they go about their relationship. What few arguments they have had together, they've been in regards to things like Jae's coddling of Y'shtola's disability, or talks about who would carry their child, have been proper serious arguments. They had to work through their relationship at times but it made both their love for each other more sincere in the end.

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