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Delilah. · 7 answers · 14d

What do you think of Delilah?

Delilah? She’s incredibly adorable and has a strong little sister vibe. Her cheerful and bubbly personality always brings a lot of positive energy to those around her. Xx.

Maia. · 27d

Do you find yourself falling in love with certain things anytime? Like random books in a books store, flower bouquet by the street vendor, sunshine and rainbows.

Yes, I often find myself falling in love with the simple joys of life. Whether it’s the beauty of nature, like a stunning sunset or a gentle breeze through the trees. 🤍

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 12 answers · 28d

What makes you feel most loved by your partner?

Feeling loved by my partner is all about the little things. When they remember small details about me, like my favorite food or noticing when something’s on my mind, it means the world. It shows they pay attention and care about what makes me happy. These moments make me feel truly seen and appreciated and the most importantly they strengthen our bond in a special way.

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 10 answers · 28d

If you were invited to attend Hogwarts, which Hogwarts House would you choose?

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