Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 10 answers · 1mo

If you were invited to attend Hogwarts, which Hogwarts House would you choose?

I've searched more about which Hogwarts House that suits myself. So, I''ll go with Hufflepuff! The calm, humble and put fairness on top of everything!

Jujur saya tidak tahu seri Harry Potter, tidak pernah menontonnya. Sepertinya saya akan mengambil rumah pohon dengan pemandangan alam yang nan indah?

Tbh i didn't following Harry Potter 🥲 tapi baru googling sepertinya akan memilih Ravenclaw, kalau menurut google Ravenclaw merepresentasikan salah satunya creativitas, i think i would be enjoy in Ravenclaw.

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