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Anon · 2mo

Can we get some facts abt Gary an Mikael?? I love those two sooo much!@

Somebody asked for some over on tumblr so I'll give you the same facts I did over there !

(cw: self-harm, attempted suicide)

When they are together, Mikael is almost always touching Gary in some way: leaning on him, holding his arm, hand resting on his nape, keeping him close and corporeal. He'll sit behind him and hug him and casually hang his arms around his neck. Gary pretends to only tolerate it.

Their fights can get pretty nasty. Biting, scratching, hair pulling, nothing is off limits, but they mostly wrestle and roll on the floor until one of the two manages to pull free and punch/kick. Sometimes they'll start laughing with a split lip and a bleeding nose midway as if just play fighting, though usually it's mostly Mikael laughing and Gary trying to kill him for good.

Other times it devolves into other physical contact. Their hormones are in full bloom and there's only one step between anger and hunger when you're already touching and grabbing at the other anyway.
The contrary also happens, mostly because Gary is quick to anger and Mikael too stupid for his own good.

They're not always fighting though. Sometimes the dust settles and they've tired their bodies with whatever shenanigans kept them occupied so they'll slip into tender lazyness, lying together intertwined as close as possible, hands under shirts or playing with hair, breathing as one. It's the only way Mikael will keep calm for more than five minutes.

They often will try to sneak out of doing their chores to hang out away from the eyes of the adults. In the attic, up on the taller trees, on the roof or in the multiple nooks, crannies and hidden doors of the old house.

Mikael sometimes looks for unfinished cigarettes inside the ashtrays the staff hide when they're done smoking behind the kitchens; they try to smoke them nonchalantly, passing the small butt to each other, just enough for a disgusting taste of adulthood. Gary often gets sick from it so they don't do it often.

Mikael has tried LSD (directly) and weed (second hand) before; the only drug Gary has ever taken were the few grains of cocaine left on his father's desk, but it wasn't even enough to get a taste.

Despite Mikael busying his mind away from bad thoughts, Gary will sometimes isolate when depression overwhelms him. It becomes a game of hide and seek where Mikael will usually find him with fresh cuts, or sometimes worse. Thwarting Gary's suicide attempts has become a game ever since the first time he did it, though Mikael never laugh at it, even if he sometimes smiles still and says dumb shit after getting him out of harm's way.

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