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Anon · 6h

Hewo ! Just out of curiosity does any of the guys sew clothes for Valeriy ? 🥹 or does he just make do with what he has ?

Anon · 8h

So was the people who tortured Val in the barn his family? Like was he the result of inbreeding? I know you mentioned something like he had a mutation but was he in the custody of his family or other people who found him before Coeus got custody of him?

Anon · 8h

Is it possible that Gage and Valeriy might form somewhat of a relationship like Coeus and Hunter without doggy boy killing multi arms boy? Or at the very least have a somewhat non violent relationship?

Anon · 14h

Hello! I love your art and OCs, and I wanted to ask more about Valeriy. I don’t know if you already wrote it somewhere but I wanted to ask about what happened to him and how he even end up there at the table with Coeus, Hunter, and Gage?

Anon · 1d

What if Coeus were to "provide" (💀) a bigger animal friend for gage?? Would he get along with it or would it trigger some of his human insecurities about being small?

Anon · 4d

Can you share some nsfw facts about the scientist, hunter and the doggy?

Anon · 4d

Weird…and i mean really weird question but when coeus and hunter were drunk did they just kiss and mess around or did they fully go into eachotherr? ALSO YOU HAD AN NSFW ACC? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS

Hehe there are no weird questions here my friend :3c it was mostly a lot of slopping kissing and heavy petting that first drunk time but there was some (very deft) fingering involved too so I'll let you judge if that counts as fully going into eachother or not-

(and yes, not even did I, I still do ha ha it's just not open to the public so it is fair not to know about it !)

Anon · 4d

Where is the damn nsfw patreon 😭

Anon · 6d

I know you’ve mentioned some of the vice boys knowing each other from when they were kids like Eli and Viorel, Jesse and Domen, etc., but did Ange and Ismaele know each other at all? Especially knowing how they are in like ‘present’ adult timeline boyfriends without the title lol

They did not ! Ange is an outsider to the orphanage and Ismaele only met him by chance as adults

Anon · 8d

Does Ismaele know what happened to Valya while he was in "Domen"'s care? I also thought that Domen being a necrophile would take an interest in Valya, could that have happened?

Anon · 8d

What procedure was Valya subjected to?? Because i read in his character bio that it isn't a lobotomy! I was quite surprised

The result is similar to a lobotomy but I what was done to him was more 'pocking around someone's brain and destroying some parts/severing some connections to see how/if they'll heal'

(the answer is that Valya is able to heal nearly everything, but the tissue that is regenerated is pretty much useless (think of it like fibrous connective tissue, vascularized but not much else), so lost connections remain lost even if his body will fill the gaps)

Anon · 9d

Do you have any additional info about Coeus’ corpse buddy from their quarantine? I think I saw you said somewhere that they met before (could be mis remembering). Were they close before? Was that person a (mad lol) scientist too or just an unfortunate victim? Also how long was the duration of the quarantine before Coeus was ‘rescued’?

Anon · 11d

Curious random question about Hunter and Coeus’ moonshine bang lol. Who initiated? Like who went in for the smooching first, who turned it into more? I love them both so much and all your weird little guys! Your brain is huge

Anon · 11d

Kinda going off the question about Gage getting sick, how do you think Hunter would react to Coeus getting sick? Especially after their little moonshine get together lol. Also wondering if Coeus would seek out Hunter (thinking about how Coeus likes Hunter taking care of him, with bathing and stuff) or would Coeus kinda try and hide that he was sick (going back to his quarantine in his head, trauma and all)?

Anon · 12d

If Gage were to get sick (like a fever or the flu) would Hunter drop his stoic facade and openly care for him even though other people might be around?? I just know that Gage would seek Hunter for comfort ugh ;; so cute

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