Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 29d

Hey sorry if these have been answered before but how many kids total survived the orphanage in vice? And is Valya (i think thats his name idk i cant remember exactly😓..) have like locked-in syndrome? (im prwtty sure thats the term if not so sorry..) like is he aware of everything going on around him, but unable to do anything abt it? (hope i worded these correctly)

I'd say there were around 50 children at the beginning and a little less than half made it, but by the time they're adults pretty much only the 5 (6 if you count Domen has being truly part of the experiment I guess, and he dies too so lol) we see are still alive. The 15 or so other were killed and eaten by Abel throughout the years after the fall of the orphanage.

As for Valya, he is in a regular vegetative state, meaning he is awake but unaware of the things around him (Gary, one of my other OC, does end up with locked-in sydrome tho !)

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