Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 5d

From a fem perspective, who would be best to date from Vice? I feel like personally Isamele, if Ange can do it so can I lmao! I see a lot of secret potential in him.

If you mean fem as in feminine, you'll be out of luck because Ismaele is only into men (ᵕ—ᴗ—) the bi/pansexual bachelors of the vicetober are Viorel and… Domen. Viorel is a cute choice tho ! You do have to be into giving pep talks, I know not everyone can deal with a partner who has very low self-confidence, but the other choice will literally just use you and fuck corpses behind your back so. Maybe it's not that bad !

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