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Claudya Mariska · 3mo

If you are a character in Game Of Thrones, what will you be? The name, house, and a little of the story too.

Dany Baratheon. An heir of the House of Baratheon. Since I was young I already displayed exceptional prowess with a sword, earned the nickname "Stormblade" among my peers.
Despite having achieved martial formidable skill, I possessed a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge just as much my thirst for infatuation and sexual activities.
Driven by the insatiable curiosity, I immersed myself in the study of history, philosophy, and politics.
Armed with knowledge and wisdom, I intend to carve my own legacy. Ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to uphold the honor and legacy of House Baratheon. Ours is the Fury.

Brìelle · 1 answer · 3mo

What is your toxic trait ?

Claudya Mariska · 3mo

First question, let me go with the rush of give me the FI and CO.

FI: we have something to talk about in common. You seem like a lovely social person with such positive vibes around you too.

CO: you're smart, creative and full of ideas. You always go in full details that always put me in amazement. You go deep in every topic that sometimes I feel like I gotta pull you out of that serious moment. You're also fun and always able to handle and control yourself.

Claudya Mariska · 3mo

Do you see people as black and white or grey? Why?

Of course as grey. Although, I dislike putting people into boxes or label them to certain categories. Human being is complex. They have different flaws. They sin. They repent and repeat.

Althea. · 13 answers · 3mo

How do you prefer to be comforted when you're upset?

I rarely go upset but when I do I would rather find a getaway, a distraction, keeping myself busy and entertained

Althea. · 10 answers · 3mo

Do you think there’s something that people misunderstand about you?

Sometimes people take me too seriously while most of the time I just wanna have fun here. This includes sharing affection, taking advantage of one another without blaming it. Wish people would understand that I put boundaries. I'm an individualist who put freedom before anything else. Go chase your own happiness, I don't restrict anyone nor force anyone to stay. Stand on your own feet, I'll be happy and supportive with whatever you do.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Boleh ketuk DMnya? Tapi nanti, nanti saya ketuk kalau kamu sudah jadi Taecyeon. Hasilnya votenya lumayan.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Penasaran pengen coba main sama kamu :(

J. · 15 answers · 3mo

Is it better to have had a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it?

Had a good thing and lost it. It's the experience and the memories that I treasure the most

Vel · 4mo

what’s something you’ve been wanting to try but haven’t had the chance yet?

Another Drea. · 10 answers · 3mo

Act like you’re flirting with someone you’re interested in.

Found your undies in my car. Decided to keep it in my office desk cabinet. You might want to take it back. Friday 5pm. In my office.

Another Drea. · 6 answers · 3mo

Would you change the past, if you can? Why?

No. There's no desire in me in changing the past. It has shaped who I am today. Better to leave it as it is.

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