Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

KITT Simp · 2 answers · 2y

Sorry if this isn't a normal ask, but I need some advice or comfort. Idk if this sounds silly or not, but ever since I played Magolor's Epilogue and fought the secret boss in the True Arena, I've been very very down. You guys know Magolor is a comfort character of mine, but I've never cried like this. I just feel very bad for Magolor cause I love him a lot. Do you guys think it's silly for me to be this upset?

People get invested in their favorite characters all the time, that’s what makes these franchises so successful!

I haven’t played the game since I don’t have the console for it, but I’ve seen playthroughs, and it’s interesting seeing our favorite egg redeem himself!

not at all! we all have those characters that mean a lot to us. magolor epilogue made me like him a lot more than i used to! (i was mostly indifferent to him before.) it's great that the remake gave his character more nuance than before.

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