Lost kitten · 12mo

when you feel lost and your surrounding can't seem to give you support, what will you do, katy?

There are days where I feel alone although I know for a fact that I have friends I can count on to look after me, there are days where I feel lost and can’t seem to catch up with a lot of things happening. Maybe you hear that voice in your head saying things that aren’t real but with how overwhelmed you feel, you were starting to think that it was right. When this happens, it’s best not to force yourself and instead take the moment to catch a breath, spend some time alone and do the things that can slowly drown those worries that trigger you to feel unworthy. Ask yourself this, when was the last time you ever got to enjoy a treat? When was the last time you put yourself first before anyone else? As soon as you find answers to questions that prioritize your well-being, you’ll find out what to do. If you would like to express your concerns, please do talk to me and don’t carry the burden alone. I can’t offer much but to lend you my shoulder, but if we know each other, I want to help you.

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