Alice 💋 · 6 answers · 3y

Are you still able to enjoy something if you hate whoever made it? For example I find Woody Allen to be so utterly detestable but "Midnight in Paris" was a great movie.

I'm weird, when I hate what somebody made, or when I hate the person who it made, one thing stains the other in a weird way. In order to avoid the creators character to stain their work I often avoid to know anything about them. Especially when I suspect the creators had a single shot, single hit wonder and anything before or after is unimportant. There are exceptions though like yours. Very rare. Like e.g. German singer , composer and band leader Jan Delay. Not a single piece of music worth listening but "Klar". And a sort of unpleasant type of guy but a world class arrangement of "Klar". So yeah, I know what you mean.

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