Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Daniel · 8 answers · 10mo

What career path would you have taken if you didn't do what you do now?

... wood worker ... maybe - but the crafts are still notorious to deny women and avoid their education in crafts. I still do a little wood work and painting besides photography as part of my creative satisfaction and urge sometimes. The idea of doing a craft basically was maybe a silly romantic idea due to I knew an really impressive woman who was a writer, philosopher and wood worker. As a girl I was flashed by her character, mind, security and total balance. She talked about death as if hers had already happened and she led her life as if it were her last few days. She was very tender and fragile though and had not an appearance like an accelerator magnet. Also she supported her talks by the most sweet and mindful gestures of her arms and hands. I always wondered how these elegant hands and fingers could hold an axe. Until I saw it. Wow. She turned from elf to goblin in a moment. She later vanished to France and then out of my life. I simply wanted to be like her. But I fancy science too much in comparison. It's a delusion. My happiness is hidden inside technical and scientific apparatuses. Last week I had my first MRT scan. Afterwards saw my scan pictures. I felt satisfied in a way that chocolate cannot match.

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