Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

inhahe · 5 answers · 10mo

I wanted to answer this question by Sleet (@STREAMER), but Retrospring seems to be having issues and the question won't load, so I'm going to post it myself and see if I can answer it.

₊˚⊹ — Do you feel as though you could be (reasonably or not) targeted for something like a ‘call out’? If so, would people believe it?

Now, I’m not inviting you to talk about your ‘’’hot takes’’’, or controversial opinions. Firstly because I don’t really care (I would still read it if you spoke about it, to be honest) but secondly because it isn’t exactly what I’m trying to convey with the question.

Okay so I may have slightly deceived you. I have a secret second question that I’d much prefer you try to answer; a hypothetical scenario!

If someone were to write a call out about you—COMPLETELY false—would people believe it naturally?

Would your answer change depending on specific variables? Does it matter who wrote it? Does it matter what the accusation is (take it as something pretty serious)?

And maybe an interesting follow up: do you think you would be able to defend yourself with skill? Would people believe you after hearing your side?

Do you maybe have experience with this in the past?

(Do you think you deserve any false accusations?) —

This may seem a bit much, so my bad… but for those of you who always answer my questions, with a lot of thought and effort, who at least seem to have fun with it—I look towards your answers.

Have you thought about the structure of social interaction of that kind before asking this? That type of interaction is ruled by some shortcomings and governed by social laws rather than by what you assume to be in place there. Targeting a person on social media is different from having a road accident. And the aggressor and the victim are in a highly unbalanced relationship usually. And the audience comes with all prejudices and assumptions and unreasonable ideas to the spot unbothered by sense, truth or facts. It isn't like a balanced trial at a court. And there are many unwritten laws and many changing laws during trial. And nobody deserves false accusations.

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