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LaDamaX · 13 answers · 9mo

At what age do you think would be the “perfect” time to have children (if you chose to have them)? Be specific. Why?

The perfect time would be when you feel it and actually have most of the needed ressources at hand. So the general habit of being pregnant by chance while you are in the middle of exams, job education and while moving out from parents is usually exactly the opposite of "right". When I was a student one of the girls and her boyfriend planned to have that child of theirs while she was struggling to get her mid term exams to become a teacher. She said it was a perfect time. But they were financially depending heavily on her parents, the extra job to be a mum while being a student and wife and doing a job for living plus struggling for a flat to accomodate all three made their mark in her face. It did cost substantial energy and health. I could see how fast she grew older at an unhealthy pace. But she insisted it was nothing. Until their relationship showed cracks and broke up. I think you need some cool plan and not just the romantic urge and want for a family and the idea of an ideal asap. It takes more than just "I'm young and healthy and now's the time and when if not now?" stance. You just do not set for such a journey out at sea on a wet plank in fair weather believing it's a boat and you're the captain.

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