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Arthur · 4 answers · 19d

I just had a dream where my neighborhood was completely urbanized with wider streets, better traffic signalization and apartment buildings. What does that mean? Is my brain predicting the far future?

Wishful thinking dreaming of alternatives is what some types of dreams are about. Though I learned that C.G. Jung had something else to say. When you visualise your environment in a dream it often represents how you feel about yourself in your body and life. It's like in a Comic. The BOOM and Bang appear in extra stars written as Boom and Bang, not as audio. Dreams use sometimes similar memes and visuals. But I am far from good knowledge or expertise when it comes to dreams. They are basically memes and memories and visual keyframes about yourself and the things that move you inside. As those things often are emotions, and emotions are represented by memes and strong graphics our dreams use the same things to depict them.

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