Sean ⚡🤖 · 9 answers · 4y

Have you ever lied/withheld something from someone close (say, to protect them) they never found out, and the dishonesty was worth it for you in the end? No regrets, you'd do it again and all? I just wonder how often (if ever) it works out that way...

For me a lie is not the same as withholding info. I am not obliged to tell everything of my life to anybody. When I have a close friend I tell her/him what and if I feel like it. Friendship and love are different from a testimony in Congress or in front of a Grand Jury. There are things in my life, events, feelings, subjects and people that only belong and refer to me. When I get attached strongly to another person I share, but I do not strip naked back to my time in mummies womb. And even a close person might not and must not know some of my very private experiences. There are things that are just my private business and will stay that way. I also do not expect to get a detailed CV of my girlfriend with everything she did experience or thought. And not only do I not need it, I do not want it. Not more what she openly and willingly wants to pass on me. Some women demand a list of all the former lovers and friends and crushes from their partner for instance. That is lunatic and possessive behaviour without respect or love. How can you think you are entitled to be the know all and control all of a friend? That is sad. So keeping things to yourself is sane and good and nobody has the right to know. Love means to share in trust the things that you give as a gift. It does not mean to lemon squeeze a person.

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