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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

tell us more abt nai in shorts? 👁🤲🏻

I don’t know much but I am gonna chew on his skinny legs like chicken bones!! Also easy access to his pussy no panties 🥺

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Since we're giving you appreciation for Saturdays at 6pm, I just wanna say thank you for giving me the inspiration to write my own BDSM AU. Nico is the dom of my DREAMS.

Oh I’m so, so happy to hear that!! Yall are too sweet to me! Tbh i was terrified to write it cuz writing bdsm dynamics was always really hard for me so i think everyone should give one a try!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hiiii just need you to know that saturdays at 6pm inspired me to pick writing back up again AND also start going on dates again after years of working thru stuff. Genuinely thank you for creating such amazing works, sending my appreciation

Oh my gosh anon I’m so happy for you!! I hope someday I get to read your works and I hope you have all the luck out there!! This is so touching!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo


Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hiiii i just wanted to know if lovefool will update or if it's momentarily shelved? 🫶🏻 no pressure ofc!!

It will be for sure! I’m 4k into the next chapter. I have to finish up my comm ofc since that always takes priority but it’s coming! I moved house and didn’t have the chance to write for almost six weeks so I’m back at it now!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

oh my god the bee guy YOU HAVE THE BIGGEST BRAIN!! but also i can't see nai having the same swagger as the og HAHA what if an awkward nai just wanting to do the job he was called in for, trying not to get flustered by the thousands of fans watching him PLUS that one player (ww) who keeps flirting and asking for his number??

LMAO THATS SO CUTE AHAHAKS. Nai would be so fuckin stiff and everyone’s cheering for him and he's like hhh just let me leave with my bees please and wolfwood is like running after him like BABE HANG ON

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

vash being desperate for anal is such a good wv flavor bonus points if ww thrusts only Once in his pussy to lube himself up to fuck vash's ass but vash doesn't realize it 🫶🏻 he would be sooo upset bc he thinks hes not getting what he wants after all,, make vash ugly sob and drool and hiccup agenda 2k24

AAA VERY HOT YES YES! Vash turning into a whiny brat the second ww touches his pussy

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

trans vash being into anal is such a big brained take,,, i think ww should be a little mean (lovingly) and tease him before giving him what he needs

I’ve been thriving with all the tweets about Vash and anal like it awakens something deep within me!!! I LOVE WW TEASING HIM! What if Vash has been begging for anal and ww refuses to stop playing with his pussy cuz it’ll make vash all pissy

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Omg anon thank you so much!! I am not from a small town nor am I from the south so hearing that I got it right makes me feel so, so happy! I can’t wait to have the time to finish the next ch up and over the summer I really wanna finish the final installment of when we met. I love them sm. Thank you again!!

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

subdrop knives having extreme abandonment issues is so hot,, hes the kind of person who doesnt ever say sorry for anything at all but when he breaks its the only word he can stutter out 🙏🏻 he's so cute

YEAAAAAA!!!!! You get it!! He’s a sobbing mess and it’s overwhelming and scary but he’s so precious

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

ww time to lock in this dom shit under extreme pressure i fear hhhjhh giving ww AND nai struggles is the best hobby honestly

RIGHT! Ww would be so good after he gets his shit on track and Nai would melt like putty

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

ww's oh fuck moment of realization is soooo sexy YOU GET IT

YESAAA Hes just got Nai quaking in his arms and his eyes are so big and he’s like oh shit and has to figure out how to bring Nai back down

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

i dream abt nai going into THE worst subdrop during a scene with dom ww maybe as he's getting railed for extra spice and ignoring it at first bc he just wants to be GOOD im very sane and i like to see my faves cry and shake and maybe hyperventilate too u know. as a treat

I’ve been thinking about this for so long omg. Nico really pushing him and maybe threatening that he’s gonna leave Nai there cuz Nai is a bad boy and Nai just starts wailing and Nico finishes inside and Nai is CLINGING and sobbing and Nico is like “oh fuck”

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

racing au sequel on my mind 24/7 no other wk thoughts 💥💸💥💸💥💸

Oh I feel you… I just thought of something I can do with this story to give it some more oomph and god I’m excited

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

you and anon cooking w gas bcs why is the concept of terrified sobbing virgin kni still wanting it SO BAD this hot like mr kenji muto riddle me that what did u put into that angry beefy man that has the fandom reacting like this

Those sweet baby boy blue eyes and those fat tits got me acting a fool for a year now. Also it’s fun to see big strong guy weeping for cock!!

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