Anonymous Coward · 3mo

oh my god hiii hello i just read almost all your fics in 24h and i just need to tell you that when we met + sequel and the new woodknives au got me acting fully deranged for the entire day like as someone from a tiny rural VERY stereotypically southern town i can't even begin to explain how at home those fics made me feel i swear 😭 you're sooo so so good at setting up the scene and atmosphere idk your fics just made me really happy and nostalgic i might just book a flight back home just to get that summer vibe back lmao thank you for sharing your writing with us also can't wait for the new chapter!!

Omg anon thank you so much!! I am not from a small town nor am I from the south so hearing that I got it right makes me feel so, so happy! I can’t wait to have the time to finish the next ch up and over the summer I really wanna finish the final installment of when we met. I love them sm. Thank you again!!

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