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Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hey, do you currently set eyes on someone?

mmm ini pertanyaan template apa gimana ya.. tapi iya, i already set my eyes on someone right now! :3c

Flint. · 16 answers · 1y

Have you ever nolak orang yang confess? How it feel setelahnya?

Rei. · 9 answers · 1y

Tips memberantas kecoak pleek.

Prayudha. · 18 answers · 1y

Jadi gini guys, Seungyoun sama Suga kemungkinan bakal tour di bulan yang sama. Terus gue tuh lebih suka Suga dibanding Youn, TAPI youn itu soloist jadi bisa jarang konser, dan Suga kan salah satu member BTS ya, BTS bisa aja konser lagi pas udah pada wamil. Jadi mending gimana ya. 😖

Maybélle · 1y

kok pertanyaan gw gak dijawab hm sombong

Damian · 15 answers · 1y

Assume you're a member of an active gang, and it's common knowledge that being a delinquent isn't far from a crime. What kind of crime do you commit that necessitates your motorcycle gang concealing the truth?

Flint. · 16 answers · 1y

How you guys usually starting to PDKT? (Just for scientific purpose)

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