Anonymous Coward · 5mo

any wriochi hcs? 🤲

HOLYSHIT I MISSED THIS, hi yes I do indeed have many headcannons... For one I do genuinely believe that they tend to have very nice and friendly conversations, even before getting close. They're both good conversation makers, although Wriothesley is far more comfortable letting other people lead a friendly conversation which Childe would easily make up for.

They're not the type to particularly ask one another about each other's darkest experiences unless they really wanna talk about it, it's more or less the mutual understanding of a difference in upbringing yet a familiar understanding in the aftermath, like their understandings of violence and the familiarity of gaining scars and battling foes.

Wriothesley usually makes them Tea every morning, but Childe is the first to be awake as he's frequently kept awake by the uneasy beckoning in his head which he combats unconsciously by holding tightly onto Wrio while he sleeps. Wrio is pretty used to the tight grip Childe has, be it through hugging or hand holding and the like. Childe holds reaaaally tight.

I also like to consider that Wriothesley would always turn over to look at Childe when he first wakes up, not because he worries he won't be there but because he likes to consider him his personal sunrise cause of his bright ginger hair.

I also firmly believe that Wriothesley has a very vague memory of how to dance from when he was younger but never had a reason to pick it back up or sort of remember, but Childe--being the performer he is--managed to convince him one day in his office when it was a bit slow and bland feeling while he had his gramophone playing. Convincing him to get up from his chair and just let Childe drag him around his office until he managed to catch the rhythm and stop stepping on Childe's poor toes.

I'll be here for too long if I keep going but HOPEFULLY THIS.. FUELED YOU OR ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTED TO KNOW ABT MY THOUGHTS ON THEM... explodes into a million little pieces.

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