Tourist Gabriel · 2y

How protective does Mercy get of Marnie? Especially when it comes to when Marnie starts dating?

"Hey! I'd like to believe I'm protective enough, but not as much as Piers. I just want her to be safe and to make sure she's happy, that she has all she needs. I care a lot about her, she's my lil sis at heart. She says jokingly that it's almost as if she got a Piers#2 around and gets all blushy when I give her hugs, but she never complained, I make sure I don't annoy her or make her uncomfortable after all.

And about dating someone, I don't want to put my nose into their business, it's private things! BUT one thing is sure, if anything happens and Marnie gets hurt or upset, this person will hear from me (I bet Piers would be on the case even faster). If they're happy together, take care of each other, then I can't ask for more. They'd very much have my support <3"

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