Tourist Gabriel

Pronouns may change a lot/18/INFP/I can swim

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Uhh… ask about my OC, or my poke-verse, or just OC interactions.


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Den · 6 answers · 2y

Ok, pitch me a movie idea about your OC! Genre, general plot and the likes!!

Den · 9 answers · 2y

Spooky season is upon us! So, would your OC go trick or treating? Would they decorate their house? If so, how?

Spikemuth goes all out for Halloween, so of course Stephanie decorated and Dory probably went trick or treating as a kid. Labi decorates and tries going full “Dude who throws a party just to kill everyone” mode, or spooking people.

Nick · 12 answers · 2y

How is your OC with kids? Are they good at handling them or are they the type that doesn’t really like dealing with children?

Dory is great with kids and she has an energy and vibe that makes kids love her back. She’s very patient and takes their problems seriously. Nya scares kids at the supermarket.

Hermes · 10 answers · 2y

What are your main OC's biggest fear?

Den · 8 answers · 2y

I remembered this thing existed kahsgjajs Anyways! For PokeOCs! What is the game (mainline or spin off) that you think your OC could in all honesty pass up as an official character?

Hmmm possibly Pokémon cafe? But the issue is that they are all kinda meant to serve as “the everyday people” that are looked over but have roles in the world and their own stories.

Hermes · 8 answers · 2y

How do all of you handle ships with your OCs? Multiship with each one in its own bubble? Everything varying degrees of canon, joke or otherwise? One endgame ship that nothing can compromise or compare to?

Disc · 5 answers · 2y

For Pokémon ocs, what are some interesting habits your oc's Pokémon have? i.e. running in their sleep or being a picky eater

With Dory’s team, Pink locks herself in a closet and watches anime, Lucy loves singing out loud (she’s a Helioptile), Mercury will eat literally anything.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What did your OC want to be when they grew up? Have they followed through or are working on chasing the same goal? or have they moved on to a new profession/goal?

Dory was never sure what she wanted to be as an adult, but she soon decides on being a music teacher and becomes focused on that once she has that goal. Ilex and Holland both wanted to be scientists and worked hard to graduate their respective schools, Ilex being the only one falling a little short of said dream by becoming an inventor.

RhymewithRay · 10 answers · 2y

How does your oc's personality change over time?

Dory becomes more confident in herself and comfortable in her body. She also becomes more certain in her own ability.

ArsSanctum · 5 answers · 2y

If your non-villain OCs ever wound up in an evil team which would it be?

(I put the question and my answer together oops lmao, let's try again)

Visi is probably in Aether because of his mom Wicke. He does volunteer post-Lusamine tho.

Disc · 3 answers · 2y

Tell me about your Villain ocs, what are their motives behind why they act a certain way and do they have any regrets?

Well I only have Lucy so far, Visi’s long lost brother and leader of my evil team. He is driven by a constant fear of losing his loved ones, fear that the world will just disappear one day, and fear the world is too evil to go on. He only regrets what he does later in life.

neronator · 9 answers · 2y

been a while! are there any specific symbols you associate with your OCs? for example, a type of flower, animal, or song?

Ilex is this bunny-like logo I made her. Dory’s is this heart with an X over it that I haven’t drawn in a while. Pepper’s is this sewing needle with a heart eye (she sneaks it into Synga Suits)

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hi, Charlie! My name is Quinn! I see that you also use bug types! Just like my big brother! How cool!!! What do you love about bug types? 👀

🐛 “Hiya! I’ve loved them since I was little, but don’t remember why 🤔. But I do enjoy how well they can work as a unit and perform massive jobs despite small sizes”.

Disc · 3 answers · 2y

If your oc ever accidentally hurts someone’s feelings how would they respond?

Visi freaks out and apologizes 1,000,000 times. Same with Pepper and Dory, Dory just had less ‘sorry’’s. Ilex tries paying back.

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