Anonymous Coward · 1mo

hetalia ships that you like?

Oh :0 let's see
Ships that I'm really into: USUKUS (My first otp, I love them, my soul belongs to them and w/n).
- DenestDen: they're tragic, but have some really cute stuff like the lions in tall1n and the rose garden qwq ♡

  • AusHun: prince coded wife with princess coded husband ♡


-NedDen: Den you little sh1t stop being a simp sjdkd(?

  • Nedpan: they're cute qwq

Other ships I like a lot: GerMano (I like this more than gerita), NedPort, Rusame, AsaKiku, Engport (my otp might be usuk, but those two are married djfjf), SpaEng, ScotFra

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