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tanit · 1d

Hi! You may have received a "test" question from me... I am very sorry idk what happened! I think there was some kind of bug? Anyway, sorry again for the jumpscare!! Hope you have a nice day!
(no need to reply to this if you're busy of course <3)

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

You’ll do great on your test!

hanakooart · 1mo

Good luck with your test, Koit! Everything will be fine, hehe 😊💙💙

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Ah heyo, idk what you got for your test, but best of luck!

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I can defeat the leviathan with the strength the liver oil gives me!!! CHECKMATE ATHEISTS!!

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

i'm gonna milk shark wrio's liver and gulp its oil up glugluglugluglug

Nooooooooo shark liver Wrio :(

You're going to cause the rage of an ancient being, the god of the sea, the leviathan (?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

countries that you like????

Honestly, any country with a cold area and nice architecture djfkfkv

But I have this curious fixation with Estonia xD

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Deal, name your ideal honeymoon destination 📝

Scotland, so we can go to a rock were water crash under the eternal rain, and have a movie moment(? Be it drama or horror, who knows

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

i offer u my hand in marriage (tax season is coming up)

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

hetalia ships that you like?

Oh :0 let's see
Ships that I'm really into: USUKUS (My first otp, I love them, my soul belongs to them and w/n).
- DenestDen: they're tragic, but have some really cute stuff like the lions in tall1n and the rose garden qwq ♡

  • AusHun: prince coded wife with princess coded husband ♡


-NedDen: Den you little sh1t stop being a simp sjdkd(?

  • Nedpan: they're cute qwq

Other ships I like a lot: GerMano (I like this more than gerita), NedPort, Rusame, AsaKiku, Engport (my otp might be usuk, but those two are married djfjf), SpaEng, ScotFra

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

what's one destroyed liver to a lifetime of adventure and friendship! we can steal a new one on our merry way!

Also, as livers can regenerate, one liver can work for more than une person ✨✨✨

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

let's take ibuprofen together 🤝

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

i miss you so much

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I wouldn't trust iguanas either, I knew someone who removed his shower from his apartment so that he could keep iguanas in that spot and one time the lizard jumped on him and sliced his neck nearly killing him fjdhfsjdhfshd

Nooooooooo but what's you problem with Iguanas sjsjdj

Omg sjsjdjdjfjf HOW XDDDDDD
Personally, I'm most of a rabbit person, but I really like lizards

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