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Anonymous Meow Meow · 5mo

How did you feel about Natsu no Kusari as a character study? Also interesting how Taxi Driver was mentioned in one of the VN’s endings

(to think a nukige would make me interested in a movie lol)

That was one of my favorite things about the game because the portrayal of the protagonist was pretty cool. I don't remember much at this point, but I think I especially enjoyed the forest section and the panic state of his mind. The fact that he isn't just a simple-minded villain but has more sides to his personality. But yeah, I still hoped to see more of his good traits, perhaps something like a longer version of the final ending

I mean, I read Pebble in the Sky and The Door Into Summer thanks to G.O., so it's always nice when one piece of fiction motivates to explore another. Even if we speak about porn, lol

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