Teo · 11 answers · 5y

In your onion, should professional workplaces should lax their policies/attitudes towards hiring employees with visible tattoos? elaborate because yes/no answers are boring, ty!

Nope. That’s a big can of worms to open. I can understand not wanting to police your employees bodies the whole time at work. I wouldn’t want to be the tattoo police at work. Worrying about whether you’re violating their rights or if your behavior borders on sexual harassment. What if they have inappropriate messages or images tattooed on themselves? What if I decide to get Swastikas tattooed on my eyelids? Or gang signs? Nope nope. Better to have everyone just cover up instead of having to deal with super uncomfortable situations. Besides, those companies/corporations are trying to protect their images/livelihoods. You can show them off all you want on your free time away from work. I’m not anti tattoo... I’m just thinking about having to be the wardrobe police at school and how exhausting that can be. I certainly wouldn’t want to police an adult’s body art.

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