Aaron · 8 answers · 1y

Toughts on geminian?

SUPER BAWEL! gemini is ruled by mercury (planet of communication). maybe that's why geminians have the ability to adapt to any situation and social setting. they are very sociable and can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. their energy seems to be endless, and they have an innate curiosity about the world around them, which makes them excellent conversationalists and great listeners. seruuu banget pokoknya sekali ngomong sama gemini nggak bakal ada habisnya, ada aja terus topiknya, pokoknya gemini tuh cuper cerewet! but, some people might find geminians too talkative or even restless. they have a tendency to jump from one topic to another quickly, which can be overwhelming for some.

when it comes to love and relationships, geminians are very romantic! they have a lot of love to give and are not afraid to express their feelings. perlu dicatet kalau gemini kan air sign, gak boleh buru-buru kalau deketin gemini soalnya ini anak GAMPANG KABURNYA, gak boleh dikekang! =___= tapi once you have them, waaah setiap hari bakalan ada aja kejutannya. jeleknya, they tend to get bored easily and it's challenging to maintain a long-term relationship with a geminian. kalau gemini udah kabur dari lu yaaaa berarti lu udah gak seru aja sih buat mereka, geminians need a partner who can keep up with their energy.

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