Mystery Mobian · 2mo

If you had to pick one, which sonic character would you wanna eat the most?

I'mma pick two, one male, one female.

Sally Acorn (classic look) because she's a resistance leader, she's also royalty being a princess, so how good would it be to eat the rich? She's got a decent design that says 'tasty' too.

The other would be Knuckles (SA2 Battle Costume) because well... the guy's a fighter, it'd be quite the challenge and it'd be satisfying if coming out on top of that battle! Also he looks great in the for mentioned outfit.

Reasons for these two overall was I'd think they wouldn't go down without a fight, and with Leaf being able to hold his own, I feel he might stand a chance, and if he wins, to the victor goes the spoils! Not enough vore scenarios that involve fighting your opponent for the right to eat them. There was another male but I wanted this to be kinda thematic honestly.

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