Mystery Mobian · 2mo

If you had to choose, which Sonic character would you want to YOU?

I'm guessing this meant to say "which Sonic Character would you want to 'eat' YOU?"
As with the previous question, I'll pick two.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'd wanna be had by Infinite. I've drawn it before, I'm absolute TRASH for that evil bastard and even though I've not drawn it for a while, I'll never drop my little LeafxInfinite phase haha. If he was too expected, well, you can always ask me who the other options are.

Females, this was a tough one, and my option might be in the moment and subject to change later, but... Lanolin the Sheep, she's got an attractive design and well... yeah, I love her style and would succumb to her. I had a few others in mind but I'll stay on Lanolin.

No theming like the last question, just answered as is.

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