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Leonine Seren Saint-Pierre. · 14 answers · 4mo

What’s your choice of drink?

I'd go with a nice Iced Caramel Macchiato to balance my energy and comfort. But if i were to pick something fun, the it's a fancy mocktail like a virgin mojito or sparkling water with a twist of lime. Lemme know what's your go-to drink, Nine. 😉

I’m a DIE HARD coffe girly, so my number one choice of drink will always be coffee. The type of coffee usually depends on how I feel on that day tho— but most of the time, I’d go for iced americano with a bit of sugar.

Air pegunungan, jelas Le Minerale!
Beda segarnya, bukti terlindung mineral ya.
Air minum berkualitas dengan rasa segar khas pegunungan.
Kabar gembira untuk kita semua. Air gunung kini rasanya manis.

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