Zaire Malthe.

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Anonymous puppy · 18d

Kalau mau lakuin hal jorok sama kamu, cuman boleh dengan plotting ya? imagine/dt bagaimana?

I prefer plotting because the tension really amplify the impact of each word for both of us. I’m open for dirty talk too, but unfortunately, I don’t have much time to stay in the chatroom and engage in that at the moment.

Kiaraaa. · 4 answers · 18d

What are the dos and don'ts of being your friend?

Kiaraaa. · 3 answers · 18d

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

That it's not the accolades or the wealth that define you, but the way you treat others and the humility you carry in your heart. Also, never forget where you came from.

Kiaraaa. · 4 answers · 18d

If you could only bring three items to a deserted island, what would they be?

A quick-dry clothes for practicality, a lighter for survival, and a precious picture of my little one getting overstimulated on my lap. 😛

Kiaraaa. · 4 answers · 18d

Could you describe what your ideal day looks like?

A day off work, where I could dressed casually, taking the girls out, and perhaps leaving them breathless with my touch?

Anonymous puppy · 18d

Do you set your eyes on someone?

Wouldn't it be weird if I already set my eyes on someone? I just got here for a short while. And as I've mentioned in my profile, I am not into dating.

Anonymous puppy · 19d

6 plotnya nsfw semua kak?

I thought about making you guess just to keep things a bit more fun and mysterious. But no, the answer is: no.

Anonymous puppy · 20d

what the biggest prompt do you want to try it?

My biggest desired prompt? I guess I’ve had most of my desired prompts fulfilled. How about you tell me yours instead, the one that makes you wet just by thinking about it?

Kiaraaa. · 20d

Mas Zaireeee! Jumps, jumps!

Yes, little one? Oh, wait, no jumping. I’m afraid you might fall. Come here and be careful, okay?

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