Anon · 12d

what about munyun's dynamic compels you? this isn't a gotcha question btw i'm genuinely curious.

I appreciate you’re not asking it in a “gotcha” way. I don’t know if I trust myself to give an answer in a non “got me” way. 🪤

They’re two suuuuuuuuuuuper sweet boys who are very well suited for “firsts” stories. First kiss, first date, first time. Figuring out sexualities, and figuring out themselves. Its a theme I do like to see explored in fic from time to time.

Their sweetness seems to extend to each other too. Idk, even though Yunseo’s only a few months older, as self declared group mom, I could really see him babying Junghyun. Meanwhile Junghyun would be trying to prove himself and show Yunseo he’s not a baby, but someone who is worthy of being a partner to him.

Junghyun also kind of coddles/babies Yunseo too. Recently Yunseo was trying to insist he was sexy, but Junghyun kept saying that Yunseo was cute instead? Maybe it’s to protect him. Maybe it’s just to get the eyes and attention off of Yunseo so he can have him to himself.

Idk, they have this whole tentative but tender vibe that just screams mutual pining.

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