Anon · 11d

well i completely regret reading your keiwook essay because now i am SOLD on this near nonexistent rarepair and what am i supposed to do now??? PLEASE be careful when essaying in the future, your words have power

like even discounting all your excellent thoughts on their potential dynamics, they would just look so so so good together...

I'm soooo sorry, but also I love selling ships via the nitty gritty details of interpersonal minutae. Thats how I pay my bills in fujo land. 😈

And, like, I've been living with this for over a year!!! Like I was deep in the throes of writing and planning a bp ensemble fic with these two as the main ship. And i assure you it was ambitious and also nasty.

But, yes. They would look amazingly good together. And have great chemistry.

Luckily we have lots of other amazing shipping options in each of their respective groups. And like idk I have my tinhat nicely crafted and waiting for the future. Bc not everything is possible, but some things are possible.

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