Anon · 5d

I’m over the moon giddy over this keitag tiktok, but lmao why won’t they even look at each other???

Well...what version of 2024 keitag do you subscribe to? The version where they've had 1+ year of awkwardness? And the challenge was the result of some initial conversations, a breath of fresh air after a year of stagnation, but they still have a long way to go? And it's all tentative and uncertain and burgeoning with tension? And like yeah they're gonna hang out later but what if it's weird and this is their one shot to be close?

Or do you subscribe to the--everythings fine, and they hang out all the time and Tag gives his man open mouth elf bar kisses all the time in that little studio with a twin bed and they gotta play that off and make it unobvious?

Both are good options imo.

Either way, it's cause tag is wildly overstimulated.

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