Anon · 6d

oh great yaoi philosopher: will u rank ur yunseo ships?

Few if any surprised here:

S tier: itaseo! The ship that got me into liking yunseo in the first place!! I love how yunseo adores his hyung and how keita is at best "it's one sided" and at worst actively does things to nurture yunseos crush while denying it.

I like it bc its a great way to make Yunseo suffer in fictitious situations. Its also great bc keita historically does not shy away from gayboys being gay around him. But eith yunseo its sooooo intense / not like two friends joking / this 19 yr old kid is basically confessing every time, so he's so obviously pressed sometimes. It's also just my nature to ship the one I like most with the one I like second most (and that order has flipped over the last few months).

A tier: buriz and jeongseo

Buriz are just great. First of all, theyre so fuckin pretty together.

Also, Like hanbin makes Yunseo feel cared for. Loved, doted on, etc. He deserves that. It seems perfect for hanbin too cause yunseo is someone he can both slobber on and also tease relentlessly. Usually he just gets one or the other, but both??

Jeongseo: two insanely hot awkward boys?? Who have some kind of fraught and/or weird relationships with other members? But can overcome that and see the beauty in each other? Sign me upp. Also if yunseo weren't like 6"0' this is probably the closest thing we would have to a tradyaoi couple in even.

B tier: munyun and eonseo

Munyun: first kiss, first crush, first time. Babies babying each other. Tentativeness. Uncertainty. Unbridled want caged in my nervousness. Yeah.

Eonseo: same company boys who are both 'different' forced proximity friends who had to band together due to company cliques. This is how I see them.

Now I have a lot of insanity yunseo ships. Like gyurickseo in like a yuehuaz cliquey situation. Jongwoo and yunseo in a backdoor / home team, yunseos down so bad for the cool guy situation. Hui/yunseo (he wanted to join the teen boy harem). I literally ship him with everyone

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