Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 7mo

Hello there! You’ve previously stated you’re taking on 8 writers, but there are 3 zines. Will writers be asked to write for both, or will certain writers be assigned to certain zines? Is it possible for a writer to be in the add-ons, but not the physical zine? I want to apply for the main and add-ons but really like being able to hold my physical work, so I wanted to ask in case there was a chance I’d only get assigned to the digital versions. Also, thank you for running this amazing zine!


We're welcoming writers to contribute across multiple sections. However, there are several factors we take into consideration: their interest in different sections, their desire to create multiple pieces, and their overall application.

As a result, it's possible for someone to be invited to create pieces for the NSFW or Dead Dove sections but not for the SFW section.

If you strongly prefer your work to be able to be in the SFW section as your main focus, please mention this in your application, we have a comment box at the end. We'll take note of your preference and consider it during our review process!

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