RhymewithRay · 16 answers · 2y

how does your oc handle crushes?

Wily - No emotional intelligence to understand it, would just get sulky if he hasn't seen them for a while and would rationalize some excuse to see them. Once someone explained the base idea to him he'd just go "Oh, yeah, that's me with (crush).", even if he was right in front of them.

Polly - Would sneak around family responsibilities and her manager to spend time with them. Would ask their opinions on songs and try to get them to be there for her concerts, even if she needs to make up some excuse. Would definitely pull inspiration from them for her songs.

Phillip - Would ironically be less shamelessly flirty with them than he is with most people. He'd also go out of his way to help with things, especially if they needed a ride. Bonus: He'd respect the speed limit for once so he spends more time with them.

Sivrit - Would adopt the same polite/honorable attitude he has in his gym to his crush and only to them. Would still get mad at everyone else.

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