
Lunasilveria29 on Twitter, call me Racie/Luna. Mostly in genshin fandom but ask away anything (except anything involving my privacy)

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Anonymous Coward · 2y

Childe tengah malem overthinking "xiansheng, kamu masih sayang sama aku ga kalo aku siluman belut? 🥺"

Anonymous Coward · 2y

you're making a monoship server for tartali? :0 isn't someone else already making one? or are you guys working together to make it?^^;

Oh yes, tho I'm not exactly the one making it, but it's more like a private server I think? But we are open for more people to join (we still need more mods though)

Also yes I am aware there is another monoship server xD

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Childe itu bukan Fatui tapi Fatuus karena Fatui itu plural dari Fatuus

hfjkshfjks sebenernya tau, tapi karena jarang2 yg nyebut dia Fatuus jadinya ya tetep pake Fatui 😂

Anonymous Coward · 2y

one of cholde’s crimes is having no ass
besides the murder and terrorism and shit

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I love seeing childe potrait bc he just looks so cute. His smile is so soft, cute, and pure. His expression look so demure. He looks like a good boy 🤧🤧🤧 just.... So...

Yessss 🥰 he has really adorable portrait (despite the dead fish eyes xD) I love his portrait the most, he looks both friendly and menacing in the same time

Anonymous Coward · 2y

That emoji of Cholde clenching fists and close his eyes. Imagine he said "I'm Fatui elite, training everyday, and fighting often yet I have no pecks, no ass, no thick thighs, nor bulging arms. Where those muscles go?" Zhongli realized that Cholde never see himself when he's tensing because that muscles definitely appears when he's tensing. Specially when he's not wearing anything.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I love how Ayato, Childe and Yelan are sly hydro character but they don't enjoy mind game for entertainment. Xingqiu is sly too and will probably love mind game but since he's just teenager his game is only some harmless prank. Lol.

right? I love how hydro characters have this kind of sly personality to them 🥰 Xingqiu will be a really terrifying figure in the future I think, especially with his status

RacieAsk (tagging my ask now just in case)

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Just randomly thought about Li like to touch cholde flat ass bc they're so small and flat they're cute. "Xiansheng don't insult me like that 😔" . No, Li genuinely likes cholde ass... He smacks them when he's feeling playful and always greeted with the feeling of his bone.

I like how I forgot to visit my inbox and returned to Childe ass slander. I love it keep it going

but yes, man has no ass but Zhongli loves them anyway 😂

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Have you seen the hent@i protag cholde?

Anonymous Coward · 2y


Weeeehhhhh 🥺🥺🥺🥺💕😭😭 thank you, idk what's so cool about me dhjdshk but thank you for the kind words! 😊

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Traveler and Childe love bringing zhongli in their adventure bc they'd cook zhongli tail and unfertilized egg when there's no enough food 😋

Hdksskhdk sorry I forgot to check my inbox here and uhh....😂 I don't think Zhongli would like it, they can maybe eat wild lizards instead

Anonymous Coward · 2y

hi, may I ask why your zl jiejie is referred to as xiansheng in your art? I’m curious if it’s just a misunderstanding of chinese honourifics or if you have a specific headcanon hahaha no hate I’m just curious :3 and I love your zl jiejie!

Oh, because I'm addressing to her from Childe's perspective, and while from what I heard nowadays 'xiansheng' is normally used to address men, back then they would use it regardless of gender as a mean to respect certain individuals (correct me if I'm wrong). For example, Zhongli himself called Yun Jin as Yun xiansheng in his CN voiceline (in good evening dialogue)

And thank you! 😊

zhongli_txt · 2y

Feed me?

What would you like to eat, xiansheng? 😳Bamboo shoot soup, ricebuns, or Childe--

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Have you tried the new mie sedap flavor Soto Madura?

I haven't, actually, I really should! I always tried the new flavors once they're out

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hello and thank you for drawing childe and zhongli with such generous chests 🙏💞💕💓

N-no problem, I'm glad you enjoyed the extra uhhh....pillows 😂 I usually made sure to give them extra volume

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