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Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

What drives you to create things?

I've always had a big passion for story-telling. I started making stuff at a dark time in my life, and it's been a very healing hobby.
I just want to make things that are fun and share them to people. Make someone smile, or even just a little distracted from the tough moments of life.

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

yeah but would you apologize?
like they didnt enter adults spaces, their character just showed up and you made NSFW of it as fanart

Oh! Well I would never draw NSFW fanart of a character out of the blue without asking whether or not the person is explicitly okay with that, so that would never happen.

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

what would you do if you drew pornography of a minor's character
WITHOUT the prior knowledge it belongs to a minor

I mean obviously I would delete the art, block the person in question and warn everyone not to interact with them.

Monsy · 1y

what's something super specific someone has done to you / in front of you that immediately made you go "whoa, red flag" or "whoa, green flag"?

Mmmmh...I can't think of anything super specific, but I think the way someone interacts with retail workers says a lot more about them than anything else.

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

whats your favorite thing about your girlfriend?

I don't think anyone understands me like she does. She's the best friend I've ever had, and I can share everything I got with her without feeling judged. We share everything, whether it's our problems, our passions, or anything else, and she's been a pillar that has kept me grounded through many rough things.

Monsy · 1y

what's your favorite pokémon?

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

cinnasnail sweeps though?

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

wambus isnt a bugsnak

Oh I thought you meant favorite character, my bad. In that case the title HAS to go to my boy Bunger, obviously.

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

whats ur favorite bugsnax? from bugsnax

Oh that's tough. I'd say Wambus, I like a deep-voiced cowboy, and he's so pathetic before you reunite him with Triff, it's delightful. Second close is Filbo because he's such a good boy. Snorpy/Chandlo are also close behind.

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

what's a thing that "normal" people can do but that you can't?

I'm autistic so I got a lot of answers for you. If I have to pick one, I guess "normal" people can moderate their interest in Zelda and not lose sleep over it. They're insane like that.

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

if u had to make a new fursona from scratch, what species would u pick?

I couldn't tell you honestly. The reason my current one is an original species is because I feel like no species really fits me.

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

What do u think of trans folks

HELL YEAH!!! LOVE TRANS PEOPLE!!! This is a safe space for them 🏳️‍⚧️

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

What fetishes do you have?

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

time out! you get to spend a month-long break in the parallel reality of your choice. it can be any world you want. where do you go?

Definitely the universe of our OCs. I got 5 fictional partners to kiss like my life depends on it. If not? Pokemon. I don't care if it's just a month, I want to hug some Pokemon so bad.

Hidden Little Goblin · 1y

how comfortable are you with people reaching out to you? (you and your girlfriend seem like cool people and i'd love to get to know you guys more, but i don't want to overstep a boundary, and i try to be mindful of parasocial relationships and all that)

I'm totally cool with that! I absolutely suck at reaching out/starting conversations because I'm an anxious mess but by all means, reach out!

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